smlm an..kawan aku tnye..sesape yang tangan die elastik..aku dengan banggenye mengangkat tangan..huhu..baget hebat la an..cerita punye cerita..tetibe diorg kate aku nie de syndrom..apakah??
aku jumpe term baru semalam..JHS, marfan syndrome and ehler-danlos an..mmg xtw pape..korg nk taw?? meh aku bg skit info..
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Information on joint hypermobility syndrome (loose and hypermobile joints). Joint Hypermobility (JH) is abnormally increased mobility of small and large joints beyond the limits of their physiological movement.
Marfan Syndrome
It is sometimes inherited as a dominant trait. It is carried by a gene called FBN1, which encodes a connective protein called fibrillin-1.[1][2] People have a pair of FBN1 genes. Because it is dominant, people who have inherited one affected FBN1 gene from either parent will have Marfan's. This syndrome can run from mild to severe.
People with Marfan's are typically tall, with long limbs and long thin fingers.
The most serious complications are the defects of the heart valves and aorta. It may also affect the lungs, eyes, the dural sac surrounding the spinal cord, skeleton and the hard palate.
paham x?? yang aku ley explain kat cni..marfan syndrome nie..sebenarnye berpunca dari ketiadaan satu jenis protein dalam badan..protein yang bertindak memegang otot2 joint nie..mende nie boley mengakibatkan kematian coz berkaitan dengan protein yang xdapat nk kawan pembesaran aorta jantung..
Ehler-Danlos Syndrome
Ehlers–Danlos syndrome (EDS) (also known as "Cutis hyperelastica"[1]) is a group of inherited connective tissue disorders, caused by a defect in the synthesis of collagen (a protein in connective tissue - usually Type I and III). The collagen in connective tissue helps tissues to resist deformation (decreases its elasticity). In the skin, muscles, ligaments, blood vessels and visceral organs, collagen plays a very significant role and with increased elasticity, secondary to abnormal collagen, pathology results. Depending on the individual mutation, the severity of the syndrome can vary from mild to life-threatening. There is no cure, and treatment is supportive, including close monitoring of the digestive, excretory and particularly the cardiovascular systems. Corrective surgery may help with some of the problems that may develop in certain types of EDS, although the condition means that extra caution is advised and special practices observed.[2]
sebenarnye..sintom2 ketiga2 sindrom nie same je..cume sebab nye keburukan if xdikawal..secara jujurnye..dlu aku slalu jalan perut kedepan..kire berbentuk C..then aku blaja betulkan posture badan aku..dlu aku slalu berdiri n betis aku berbentuk C..but aku blaja utk berdiri tegak..tapi kadang2 wat gak..if penat sangat berdiri..hehehe..
pada mulenye aku cam riso la..bukan macam..tapi mmg..lepas mendapat keterangan dari akak ida (ida adalah kawan aku dan akak die bekerja as doktor)..xkesah la org nk kate ape..bagi aku tu tetap satu kelebihan..hehehe
yg tarik kulit siku aku pye lgi panjang buleh tarik, yg lain tak buleh buat...
seyes?? maka ko patut check dr. yang mane match utk baju lak an aku cakap nie..
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